Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010

While on the first five songs that are not visible location

While on the first five songs that are not visible location, but it is undoubtedly the most pristine record and the most successful works. In fact, the Adagio lyrics Herve Leger Lee Hom is more in line with his personal qualities, but also make it easier for listeners form resonance 105. Leehom Wang - girlfriend girl friend. McDonald's in regular release, listen to tired, but the exotic girlfriend I feel great. This is a nonsense of the hip-hop dance, listen to the time I can not help but think of the Jordan Chan in the meet the same classic! 107. Tao-angle. a bit like nursery rhymes - - ~ 108. Nagakuni - Venice tears. very nice yo 109. Jay Chou - Sunny. rhythm is good, in particular, a prelude to recommend 110. Liangyong Qi - fresh. netizens described, good 111. Faye Wong - ambiguous. ah ah Philippine sound good ~ ~ ~ 112. My Sassy Girl-i believe. Korean original is better to listen Herve Leger Bandage Dress more, huh, huh 113. Fish Leong - for you unconditionally. the first main song ;courage Poof. familiar melody to float again, nice nice nice!!! 115. Faye Wong - Xiao Wangshu. very much like the mv in the elegant and soft picture, combined with the Faye Wong's song, very comfortable feeling, fans were 10 million Do not miss La 116. Xie Yu Xin - on the third day. be a right old songs, but nice Oh 117. Yuki - the missing diary. Recommended Recommended, I think her song sounds good ah, how we do not push many do, I push I push, I push 118. Xuruo Xuan - decided to love you. if Herve Leger Dress it's sweet voice, whispering to you describing: the decision love you 119. Yuki - umbrella. has strong feelings, love Under the proposal hearing under 120. Yuki - sub-fly. tunes good melody, recommended 121. Yuki - like a he.

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