Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011

The wages not exactly that I declare by myself is accurate

While answering asking of another media reporter, Wu Yu Liang emphasizes:"I first correct to you for a while, the wages not exactly that I declare by myself is accurate, and my wages is all what my person in the home takes care of."
In 《the Cheng cures and prevents from going bad system constucting to program for 2008-2012 years 》 declared system to the property to carry on research and argument as a task to lift out.
But introduce according to the White Paper, 《concerning leadership the staff report the individual rules concerning item 》 , request to lead a staff if actually report my income, I and spouse and the sons and daughters, house property, investment for living together, and spouse the sons and daughters are from the circumstances like industry,etc.
Wu Yu Liang said that all of these is in the process of pushing forward property to declare system in of actual operation step.

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