Mittwoch, 25. August 2010

Encountered this year

Encountered this year, the financial crisis, Suanlaisuanqu, or in front of the computer for online shopping more affordable. Online shopping advantages of eliminating the costs and labor costs of the counter, Moncler but the disadvantage is that before buying, do not see the kind, cheated larger probability and complaints with the theory is not so convenient for the seller. P90X means of a liar:blindly advocating goods miraculous resorted to: network of the most famous case is a online shopping website store,Christian Louboutin selling the name One ofthebuyers can not see the past, on the End of the World revealed the secret. why this small workshop to do their own skin care products so popular these days? totally advocate the seller hand out early to find a lot of trust said a Product The Most Effective, later in real time when consumers buy, send gifts, send sample, coax buyers happy,in the evaluation of where that product is also effective against your conscience, so come and forth, lie said a thousand times, it becomes true, This seller is more annoying than the sale of counterfeits!The importance of internal management, clear direction. creative ideas stand out from the same.more commendable is, DGVI also moving trend, plans to reach international fashion city of Milan to open its first store in China brand women's clothing. However, with Jesse difference is that the next two to three years , DGVI domestic marketing strategy will be translated into domestic and export sales continue strong in the domestic market, efforts to expand the international market,create international brand.enhanced channel optimization and integration. were classified for different levels of product focus and expression, and close to the target consumers for specific types of price positioning.

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